Many of us can tell from a young age whether

Many of us can tell from a young age whether or not we want to have children. I knew that I did back in high school. One day I was watching a father and his daughter and it hit me. Sure I was only 17 at the time, but something in me just knew. Others may not realize whether or not they care to try their hand at parenting until they meet the right person to do it with. That perfect significant other makes all the difference. And finally there are those out there who do NOT want children at all. There's nothing wrong with this. Being a parent is not meant for everyone. Needless to say, NO one should ever have a child if they're not prepared to accept the responsibility of being a parent. Far too many people do this now days. It's truly getting ridiculous. This brings me to another a major point. Regardless of whether or not a couple is wed, the mother's rights are the same as the unwed fathers rights. Both parents have rights to child as long as they want them. And if you helped make the child, then you'd better want them.

Back in the 80s, things were so much different. I know from personal experience. My parents split up when I was only 5 years old. This would have been in 1981. I recall my mother snatching the three of us from our own house, along with all of our clothes and toys, and bolting for a new town. A town without my father and his new girlfriend. Get the picture yet? Anyway, when this all finally went to court, my father's rights were out the window. The court system always went with the mother back in those days. If you were the mom, you had it in the bag. Now, in the current judicial system, even an unwed fathers rights are much more powerful these days. The father has just as much of a right to the child as the mother does. I think this is totally the way it should be. After all, they both made the child. It makes no sense to disregard the unwed fathers rights to the child. Providing that he wants and cares for the child like a good father should. No kid needs a dead-beat dad.

Marriage is no longer the ultimate answer. People make mistakes and sometimes the result is a child. Of course if the couple is not meant for one another, marriage is out of the question. It would only lead to more problems.