Do you have someone on your gift list that is

Do you have someone on your gift list that is impossible to buy for? It seems that everyone has a person or two that is difficult to please or who has everything that they need. I have three sisters that I exchange holiday as well as birthday gifts with. I am the youngest in the family. My sister that is closest to me in age is easy to buy for because we have similar tastes and I know her well. My oldest sister is eighteen years older than I am. We never lived in the same house together. She has spent most of her adult life acquiring as much wealth as possible. She is difficult to buy for because she if she wants or needs something she goes out and buys it for herself.

Recently my oldest sister started experiencing some lower back pain as well as knee pain. The doctor told her that she has arthritis in these locations. My sister has a large Jacuzzi tub in her master bedroom so I decided to look at spa gift baskets for her as a gift. There is a nice spa not far from my home. The message therapists there are very helpful at suggesting products as well as answering questions. I knew that they had several spa gift baskets ton display and I have also seen them make up spa gift baskets for customers to include what every the price range is. Many of the baskets include different procedures including massages, pedicures, manicures and other treatments, but I wanted to concentrate on products because my sister lives a distance away and would not be using this local spa for procedures.

I explained to one of the owners of the spa the problems that my sister had been experiencing with her knee and lower back. She went and found one of the therapist and we all discussed what she could do at home. I explained that she had access to her own Jacuzzi. They suggested several different herbal soaks. They blend their own at the spa. The herbs help the muscles to relax and also the fragrances help relax the entire body so that she would be able to get more restful sleep. They also gave me an ointment that is be help when messaged into the effected area. I had them arrange the herbal soaks and ointment into a basket and then I drove the products to my sisters house.

She was very appreciative of the gift basket. I have never seen her so excite about receiving a present before. After a nice visit I left so she could soak in the tub with the herbs. I realized on the way home that because she is so hard to buy for she does not get what I call happy day gifts. Tokens that are given because you are thinking about the person.