Everyone has seen Christmas lights at one point or another,

Everyone has seen Christmas lights at one point or another, and many people have put them up themselves, but few people understand all of the possible uses of string lights. Although the summer is winding down right now, it is still far from over. You don't have to wait until Christmas to enjoy a string of lights. You can start on this very day if you want to. They have many possible uses, and all of them will brighten your day and create a warmer, more festive atmosphere.

Personally, I have always loved patio string lights. Putting up light in winter is pretty nice because it brightens an otherwise desolate atmosphere. Nevertheless, summer is really the time for partying. A string light display helps make the perfect atmosphere to make sure you get off to a good start. You don't have to use icicle lights or other Christmas themed decorations either. You can use cactuses, pumpkins, smiley faces, chili peppers basically anything you want. There are many summer themed string lights out there, so you can tailor your celebration to the season if you want to. They are also good if you have kids running around wild. After all, they are much safer than having big Tiki torches everywhere. Remember, Christmas lights rarely cause fires!

String lights have gone through quite a few improvements since back in the day. They used to be big, high energy bulbs that were always burning out. They also made a lot of heat, meaning that they could be pretty dangerous if not set up properly. When one bulb would go out, the entire strand would go out. It could take hours and hours to find one bulb, replace it, and get the lights going again. Nowadays, however, high-quality light strings are much better than that. The use small bulbs that are low-energy, And are wired in parallel. This means that, if one light goes out, the rest of them can keep blinking on and off.

Some of the newer string lights are even powered by LEDs. An LED string light is superior to the old style in every way. It has a longer lifetime, much higher energy efficiency, lower heat production, and a greater degree of safety. On the downside, they can be a little bit more expensive, but this is worth it. After all, you will use your string lights year after year, so why not invest a little bit of money and get good ones?