Real friends

It isnt always easy to make new friends when you get older. People dont just walk up to each other, stick out their hand and say, Hi, my name is such and such, be my friend? The world of friendship doesnt work that way. When youre a kid, making friends is as simple as can be. You share a toy or a snack and boom! youve bonded. Middle school and high school, making friends isnt as easy but it comes fairly naturally. You make friends with people who have the same likes and dislikes. The same thing happens in college. And someday, once youre out of school and on your own, and you wonder, were they real friends or just friends that helped get your through the temporary situations of life. Were they really there for you like real friends should be?

Once youre an adult and concentrating on making your life work out however it is meant to, finding real friends isnt always easy. If youve managed to keep some friends from the past, consider yourself lucky. A lot of times, people grow up, move away, get married, have kids and suddenly youre lucky to get a Christmas card from them each year. Thats just the way that life goes.

So, how do you make friends when you get older? And more importantly, how do you make real friends? The kind of friends who will share in lifes triumphs and heartaches with you? Where do you go to find them? Well, if youre still single you can get find some singles groups. Sure, people mainly go there to find dates but you can bond with others of the same sex as well. Get involved in the community. Thats something that you can do whether youre single, married or as a family. Your community probably always has something going on and not only will you have the opportunity to make new friends but youll end up participating in something that will make you feel good as well.

If you go to church get involved. If there are small groups that get together for Bible study or just to share life together, find a way to join. If you dont go to church, consider trying it. You may find that you get a lot more than just new friendships out of it. Join a club. If you have an interest coin collecting, exercise, dance, metal detecting find out if theres a local club and join. If you have young kids, arrange play dates and try to get to know the other parents.

Whatever method you choose to find some new friends the kind you want to call real friends, remember that you have to return the favor. Having a real friend means being a real friend. It isnt just a one-way street. Have an open mind and let yourself relax. Making new friends isnt just for kids it can be for adults too. But, only if youre willing to be a friend as well.