One problem with our great nation is the crime rate.

One problem with our great nation is the crime rate. Just take a gander at the latest missing persons list online and you'll likely faint from disbelief. The nation-wide report is one that you can hardly even look through. It's depressing how many people go missing each year. What's more depressing is that we, the American public, can hardly remember what each person looks like, because we see too many of them. This makes it less likely for us to recognize one if we spot them out in public. What can any of us do to remedy this dismal issue?

In a way, the Internet has helped find missing individuals. Currently there are forums posted on the web that allow families and relatives to post pictures and descriptions of missing persons. This way anyone on the planet has access to them. Naturally this can help since everyone can keep a watchful eye out for that particular person. However, the amount of missing persons is so overwhelming. Personally I tend to forget the photos of the ones I see on a simple card in the mail. I'm sure many people have the same problem. One thing I do think is crucial for people to understand is that most missing persons were abducted by someone they know or they simply left on their own. The ones who up and left of their own free will probably won't be found. Not unless they decide they want to be. Sadly so many of them leave loved ones hanging behind, unaware of why they left.

One way to prevent your children from becoming missing persons is by keeping a close eye on them at all times. That moment when you're not paying attention is a moment when someone else can take full advantage. Furthermore you can make use of modern technology. Check out the cool and innovative tracking watches available now days. You can place one on your child or loved one like an ordinary watch and it works like a GPS tracking device. Anywhere he/she goes can be tracked down via a monitoring system. Unfortunately our missing persons statistics don't seem to be going down any as years pass, but at least we have more and more technology at our fingertips to help prevent abductions, and get back those who were taken from us.