I think that there are times in our lives when

I think that there are times in our lives when we crave having things simpler. I know there have been times when I have wanted to just have time stop for a while so that I can catch up and also enjoy the here and now. It is crazy how busy life gets at time. It seems that when I was young time went much slower, but when I reflect upon this I realize that a big reason for this is that I was not responsible for much. My parents transported us to where we needed to be they did the cooking and laundry and most of the cleaning. I am sure that my mom felt the same way I do at times.

I think it is this chronic want for more time that explains the popularity of everything having to do with little house of the prairie. I think there is something very appealing of living a life where a family works together to form a home and to make their living from the land. The book Little House On the Prairie was part of a series written by Laura Ingals Wilder. The books outline the life that she lived with her family as they moved from the East coast to the Midwest to settle the land. The books have been popular among young women for generations. They have maintained their popularity because of the hit television show Little House on the Prairie. The show first aired in the mid seventies and was on television for over ten years. There were also several other family shows that were developed based on characters from Little House of the Prairie. The shows always had a good message for children and adults. They were basic reminders to be kind to yourselves and one another. The plot usually involved one of the main characters struggling with an issue that challenged their beliefs or values. They always made the right decision in the end. There was rarely and violence and no sexual innuendos.

I loved this show growing up. I think the main reason I watched it faithfully each week is that it taught me that a man could show feelings and still be tough. My father was a stoic German farmer who worked very hard but did not express his feelings about things. Based on growing up with him I thought this was thee way men are. It was nice to have the experience through television that it was ok for men to express how they felt. I wish they could bring back such strong family centered shows for my children to watch.