There tends to be some confusion when people want to

There tends to be some confusion when people want to track and claim mileage on their income tax returns. There are times when you can, and there are other times when the expense of driving is all your own, even when you are going to work. When you have a reason to claim your miles and gas usage, you have to take some time to make sure that you are getting your mileage tracking numbers right and that you have the proper totals to give to your employer or to claim when it comes time for taxes.

When you are using your own car or truck for work, you do have the ability to claim your mileage for reimbursement to your employer, or you can claim it on your taxes as a deduction. Either requires good mileage tracking. When you drive to work and from work, those miles are all your responsibility. However, if you leave work to go somewhere else work related, pick up supplies, drive to a meeting, or go to a different job site, those are all miles that you can claim. Its not as simple as trying to estimate at the end of the year. You really have to have an exact number, which can be hard for the busy man or woman.

You have to find mileage tracking that works best for you. There are some that can glance at the odometer and then keep the numbers and running tally in their head, but there are not many that can do that. For some mileage tracking can be almost as easy, but it does require a little thought. Most keep a notebook in their vehicle so that they can write down the numbers for the miles that they can claim. As long as you can remember to do this, and your vehicle stays rather organized so you dont lost your book, this can be a great and simple way for you to keep up with your miles.

You can also take a lot of work out of preparing your taxes by getting mileage tracking software. This takes in all of your numbers and it generates the reports that you might need to give to your accountant or tax preparer when it comes time to file. This type of mileage tracking software does require you to keep track of things on your own, but using it to do the rest will be a blessing if you do a lot of driving for work, and you want to get the numbers right.