If you want to hold a poker night at your house, it is important to have the right poker accessories.

 This starts out, of course, with the right snack food. You need to have something for everyone to munch on. You need to have chips and dip, beer, some take-out food, and whatever else people are likely to want. For many players, however, this is where stops. Not with me! For me, playing poker is as much about creating the right mood as it is about learning and perfecting the game. Sure, poker strategy is important and I read my share poker books, but in the end it is all about fun. If you want to have fun playing the game, you need the perfect poker accessories. Otherwise, it simply won't feel authentic.

There are many different kinds of poker accessories. Poker chips, of course, are essential. Many people just buy cheap plastic poker chip sets, not worrying about getting ones with a a good feel. I used to do this as well. The poker chips I was using, as a matter of fact, came from a kids game that I bought for my daughter years ago, but that she never played with. Then I started using some real chips. The weight, the look, and the feel of them was so much more appealing. Suddenly, the game felt serious. Even if there was never more than five dollars in the pot, it didn't matter. I felt like we were playing for some serious stakes.

Of course, some poker accessories can really make your game better. One of the best ones, of course, is a pair of poker shades. You can use regular sunglasses in a pinch, but the poker shades are much better. They are specially designed poker accessories, and are set up perfectly for the game. They don't cut out as much light as normal sunglasses, yet they have a mirror-coated finish that prevents your opponents from seeing where your eyes are going.

Similarly, a hat or a poker visor can also help your game. It will shield your face, making it more difficult for your opponents to see what you are thinking. One of the biggest problems that people run into when they are studying a poker game is giving away their thoughts by their expressions. The right poker accessory can help you to correct this by making it harder to see what facial expression you are making.