pen friends

There arent as many people out there who are looking for pen friends as before, but they are still out there. People often find people from other countries and cultures to write to because they are interested in the rest of the world. Children often do this so they can meet someone who is far removed from the circle of their everyday life, and so they can learn about other people. It can be quite fun if you can find the right person to correspond with, and its a great way to learn about people and places that are unfamiliar.

Most who have pen friends like to write real letters. Though there are some that do it through email, there is something about getting a real letter in the mail from the other side of the world. Some say that the written letter is dying, but those with pen friends would tell you different. Though this type of communication is slower, there is something friendlier about writing out a letter and putting it in the mail. For a child, the excitement of seeing a post mark from another country is often overwhelming.

Some parents encourage their children to find pen friends as soon as they can start writing words. The letters may be awkward, but it gives them a chance to learn about others, and to work on writing skills. Adults arent really excited about getting mail because the box is usually full of bills, but children get excited when they see there is something in there just for them. Though pen friends may come and go, some can turn into long term friendships that become very important. Some children grow up writing to each other, and then meet when they become adults.

You can find pen friends online now, but you have to be careful. There has always been strange people in the world, but sometimes it seems they are concentrated online. There are sites that allow you to list what type of pen friends you are looking for, or you can look through others listings to see if anyone interesting comes up. Just remember to use caution when corresponding with someone. You will soon be able to tell if they are a real person with the same interests as you, or if they are looking for someone to scam. Have fun, but use common sense when choosing your long distance friends.