A photo Christmas ornament is a creative and easy way to add a personal touch to your Christmas tree.

Glass blown ornaments are nice, and some of the pewter miniatures on sale nowadays are quite beautiful, but for me the most important thing in Christmas decorations is to express yourself. Photo Christmas ornaments do just that. They help you honor the things that matter you to most: your friends and family. In addition, they can make a fun and fascinating craft activity for the whole family.

The first photo Christmas ornament I ever had, of course, was store-bought. It was a gorgeous pewter photo frame hanging from a dainty little hook. I put a picture my girlfriend in it, and really enjoyed the way it looked on the Christmas tree. It was a present from her, after all, and I wanted to always use it to express my love for her.

Because it was Christmas vacation I had a lot of time. I decided that it might be nice to make my own Christmas decorations. I set off to make a photo Christmas ornament of my own. I'm a pretty decent wood carver, and I was able to make a wooden frame over the next day or so. When I was done, it looked spectacular. I put a picture of myself in it and gave it to my girlfriend.

Of course, there are easier ways to make photo Christmas ornaments than this. I have a friend who makes them out of common household items. She is really into folksy art, and finds a lot of easy and fun ways to make crafts of things that would otherwise be discarded. Old sardine tins, Popsicle sticks,, and many other pieces of packaging and wrapping are all well suited to making photo Christmas ornaments out of. With a little bit of paint and a lot of imagination, you can make beautiful finished crafts there are fit to be given out as personalized Christmas presents.

Then again, there are a lot of fancy photo Christmas ornament effects that you can only get from buying custom made Christmas decorations. Laser engraved Christmas ornaments, for example, can combine photographs with stunning glass etching. Still, whether you prefer a homemade aesthetic or something more professionally done, consider incorporating photos into your Christmas decorations this year. You will be surprised by how much they add to your holiday celebration!