Order prescriptions

Gone are the days of having to walk into a store, any kind of store, whenever you need something. In fact, since the internet has taken over much of the world, you can practically have anything delivered right to your doorstep. I used to hate standing in line at the drugstore just to order prescriptions. Id be surrounded by people sneezing and coughing, spreading germs to everyone else standing in line simply because they had to leave the house to get order prescriptions for their ailments.

Thanks to modern technology, you can now order prescriptions online through a large variety of websites. My company recommends that all of its employees use express scripts to order prescriptions and refills. At first, I wasnt too keen on not dealing with a pharmacist face to face. What if something was messed up? What if I had questions to ask an actual person? Then, I discovered that if I was able to order prescriptions online, I would be saving some money each month. My doctor would write me a script for a 90 day supply and I would only end up paying for a 60 day prescription. That is basically getting a month for free. I was impressed and willing to try it.

My husband and I decided to order prescriptions once, just to see how smoothly it went. Once we got all of the medical information out of the way, it was easy. I received our prescriptions within a few days. Every single detail was correct and there was lots of information on what to do if a mistake was made or if I needed to speak to someone. I felt pretty confident about having done this online. Since that day, I dont walk into a drug store to order prescriptions unless it is something that I have ordered for short term. Obviously, if Im sick and need antibiotics, to order online is not ideal. But if you have prescriptions that you take monthly, you just may find that you end up saving some money by choosing to order prescriptions online.

However, not everyone will ever feel comfortable with this concept. There is a great deal of comfort in handing your script to an actual person and having that secure feeling in knowing that someone is handing the correct bottle of pills back to you. I admit, I have to say that I like dealing with people face to face at times. However, when I simply need to pick up a prescription that I need for a monthly basis, I dont want to stand in line with others who are spreading germs to everyone in sight. Id much rather walk the 20 feet to my mailbox and find my pills waiting for me.