Lonely people

There are billions of people that live all across the globe. Different languages are spoken, various cultures practice lifestyles drastically different and ways of life vary greatly. It would seem like the vast differences in cultures and people doesnt allow for us to have things in common with complete strangers. The facts are however, that we have more in common with different cultures that what we think. Everyone smiles, they laugh, they cry you cant hide the fact that everyone has emotions. Some cultures may be trained to not show emotions but that doesnt mean that they dont feel them.

Despite the fact that there are billions of people in this world, there are tons of lonely people living all over the planet. People can be in a crowd of people and still be lonely. There are people that you see every single day that consider themselves to be in the category of lonely people. Forced smiles and fake laughs may cover up the fact that someone may be struggling or hurting. Most people hate to admit that something is wrong. They want to look poised and capable. The harsh facts are that lonely people are everywhere. One of the best places to find lonely people is in a nursing home. Walk into a one sometime and look at the weary and aged faces that might be staring at you. Some of them were put there by families and are ignored. Others have no families at all and spend their time sitting in a chair staring out the window. They arent truly alive in their hearts, they simply exist because they are supposed to. It is absolutely heartbreaking knowing how many lonely people you can find in a nursing
home. Despite the games and activities that the homes might encourage or organize, it cant take away loneliness.

If you ask some of the individuals who would describe themselves as falling into the lonely people category, they give varying reasons. Some of them have no family members and go home to an empty house every night, others are going through a divorce or separation. Other lonely people claim that they have no friends and spend all of their free time completely alone. There isnt one specific reason for loneliness. It happens to everyone. Even individuals who seem to have lots of friends and relatives and appear incredibly happy may be very lonely.

You can help some of the lonely people in the world feel a bit less lonely. Visit some residents at a nursing home or volunteer. Some of the residents may be overjoyed at visits from a complete stranger just to have someone to talk to. Reach out to make a new friend if you think a co-worker or classmate might be lonely. You never know how much of a difference you may end up making in someones world.