When we're children, we never ponder things like grooming and

When we're children, we never ponder things like grooming and taking proper care of our image. All is simple in those days. We hop out of bed, pull on some random clothes, clean or filthy, it doesn't really matter. Maybe we take a bath before going to bed at night and maybe we don't. You've got to love the simplicity of those days. And as far as good skin care goes, it's virtually irrelevant. Our skin is flawless at that age by nature. Not that we appreciate the fact at that time. However, as we grow into our teen years, there's no doubt that we'd love to have that flawless complexion back. Well, just maybe it's an option.

There are things you can do to improve your complexion. This statement applies to everyone, regardless of your skin type. A large part of your skin's clarity and balance concerns your diet. Some foods/nutrients that will benefit your complexion are; prune juice, flaxseed, water, fiber from vegetables, and omega 3. Look for ways you can incorporate these into your regular diet. As far as protein goes, fatty fishes such as salmon are great for skin and hair. This can be your source of omega 3s. On the flip-side, there are several things you should avoid if you're interested in good skin care routines. Americans are notorious for indulging heavily in sugary snacks and high sodium foods. These can truly throw your skin out-of-whack. In fact, those random breakouts you receive are likely linked to your dietary habits. As much as most of us enjoy junk food, we all have to set a limit.

The products you use naturally play a role. Good skin care doesn't always mean doing more. As opposed to scrubbing your face with expensive cleaners three times a day, try washing that mug twice a day max. Our skin has natural oil that keeps it radiant and moisturized. When you cleanse it too often, you wash these oils away, hence making it dry and irritated. Irritated skin can definitely lead to more breakouts. Finally, a few last good skin care tips are to avoid excessive sun exposure, moisturize where needed, and be gentle when applying cleansers, scrubs and treatments. Your face requires a soft touch.