I have been using regular strands of Christmas lights for

I have been using regular strands of Christmas lights for a long time, and never anticipated needing battery power. It just was not something that I considered, as the strand lighting had been working just fine for years and years. Then last year, disaster struck one of my neighbors. Apparently, his high power Christmas lights had shorted for some reason or another. He was a pretty careful guy, and so I figured that if it could happen to him, it could happen to me.

I went out and bought a battery operated Christmas light strand just to give it a try. I figured that I would use it in doors. I had already heard a few leading safety experts recommend battery operated tree lights as a good way to reduce the risk of a holiday fire. Natural lighted Christmas trees like ours can have dry needles and peeling bark, increasing the risk of having a fire. That is why I figured indoor Christmas lights were the best place to start in my effort to cut the risks.

I was really surprised with just how happy I was with the battery operated Christmas lights. I was using led Christmas lights - the small ones with a low power drain - which meant that the batteries would be able to last a long time without needing to be changed. They were just a little bit more expensive than regular Christmas lights, but they definitely were worth it.

I was not quite sure if I wanted to update all of my outdoor Christmas lights. After all, I had been stocking up on them for years, and I had quite a collection. In the end, I decided to buy a strand or two of outdoor battery operated Christmas light, and see what I thought of it.

I must say that it made a good impression on me. You could find a battery operated Christmas light in almost any style, and some of them had a wide range of different blinking patterns to chose from. For really bright lighting, it still makes sense to stay away from battery operated Christmas light, as the power drain is too high. But for the rest of it, you can decorate your house for the season and reduce your risk of fire with battery operated lights. Best of all, you do not have to worry about the hassle of plugging all of them in!