When it comes to finding refreshment, it can be hard

When it comes to finding refreshment, it can be hard to know what to drink. I used to drink a lot of soda, and I never really realized what it was doing to my body. I know now that this is one of the worst things I could drink, so I have one only on a very rare occasion. Instead, I find other things that I can have that wont add calories to my daily intake. Even fruit juice, which is much better for you than soda, can add a lot of calories that you just dont need. One of my favorite drinks now is Crystal Light.

What I like about Crystal Light more so than any other type of reduce calorie drink is the taste. I love the lemonade flavors the best, and that is because they taste like real lemonade more so than any other fake drink type I have ever tried. I know it has an artificial sweetener in it, but this is one time when I really cant taste it. I always like to have Crystal Light in my refrigerator so that I can have it whenever I want. That is rather convenient as it is inexpensive and easy to make.

I do limit the amount of Crystal Light that I allow my daughter to drink. She loves it, but I do worry about the sweetener that is used in it. She has a glass once in a while, and drinks milk and water other times. There are a lot of scary stories out there that I have heard, and I suspect that many of them are not true, but I certainly dont want to take a chance with my daughter. Many of my friends feel the same way, and they will not give their children the type of sweetener that is in Crystal Light very often either.

However, for me, its a common drink in my home, and I am glad I can have it. Even better, Crystal Light now comes in small packets that you can add to a bottle of water for a single serving of Crystal Light when you are on the go. Because I take a few road trips each year, and because my parents live a good drive away, these are always great when I need something to drink in the car and I dont want soda, or if I have had enough water for one day.