There are times when people allow themselves to be intimidated

There are times when people allow themselves to be intimidated by different systems that they become involved in during their lives. One intimidating system in the health care system and the other is the legal system. The sad thing about this is when people allow their fears get in the way of being served well. So often people feel that doctors and lawyers know everything in their field and they do not make mistakes. This is ridiculous. Everyone makes mistakes and they should be called on them when it happens. This does not mean you need to turn to a law suit, but you can request a second opinion. I have found through the years that for every doctor you go to you will get another opinion. The key is to find a doctor that will listen to you and will learn from you about your body and symptoms.

Once you locate a doctor that you feel comfortable with you should discuss you feelings about advance life directives. This will greatly help both of you if you are ever in a situation where you cannot speak for yourself. The legal terminology around end of life issues has changed; it will most likely change again. At this time the form that needs to be filled out to express your wishes is called the advance directive form. This form is available at most office supply stores or online. It is important that you fill out the advance directive form that is recognized as legal in the state in which you reside. Each state requires different things to be included in the form; so it is important not to fill out a general form that will not be honored.

The advance directive form is your chance to indicate what life prolonging measures you want to have used on you. It also gives you the opportunity to name the person that you want to make medical decisions for you should you not be able to communicate them yourself. Some states call this the power of attorney other states call them your attorney in kind, there are also other terms that are used to identify this person. You need to make sure that you have clearly discussed the different life saving measures with the person before you place their name on the advance directive form. This person acts on your behalf as long as you are alive. It is important to check the box on the form that stipulated whether the person is allowed to make decisions for you if you are incapacitated. Once you pass away the decision making responsibilities fall to the person that you have named as the executive of your will.

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