Picking out a Christmas gift for the office used to

Picking out a Christmas gift for the office used to be pretty easy to do. There are certain standard Christmas gift ideas for the office that would always work. You could always get someone a bottle of wine, some nice gourmet coffee, or an ornamental keepsake from your vacation. Nowadays, however, everything is changed. Coming up with the right Christmas gift idea for the office can be quite a chore. The bottle of wine you wanted to get as a Christmas gift for the office? That won't fly anymore in many modern offices. You might have recovering alcoholics, people who are allergic to wine, and even folks who don't drink for religious reasons. That fancy coffee that you wanted together as a present for your secretary? Better make sure that she doesn't have heart palpitations or some other problem.

If you work in a small office, of course, you can always check these things. You can ask the people around you if they have any food issues that you should be aware of. Although this will give them some clue as to what you are getting them, it won't totally cue them in. Nonetheless, sometimes it is nice to be able to get everyone the same thing -- particularly if you work in a bigger office. You don't want to show favoritism, after all, and you never know when someone will be unhappy with the present that they got.

That is why gift baskets make so much more sense for Christmas gifts for the office. Although occasionally you might give a gift basket to someone who is allergic to chocolate or does not like the summer sausage that comes with the gift, there will always be at least something there that they like. It certainly beats the embarrassment of inadvertently giving a bottle of wine to a recovering alcoholic.

Another thing that I really like about baskets as a Christmas gift for the office is that they are so well put together. They have the allure of good promotional items. Although there isn't always that much to them, every element complements everything else, resulting in a gift that is sure to bring happiness to recipient. Of course, you can always give out Christmas mugs, crystal vases, or glass blown ornaments as well. Just so long as you are sure that you get a gift that won't offend anyone. After all, if your Christmas gift for the office might result in bad feelings, you are better off not giving it at all.