Finding the right Christmas gift for mom is going to

Finding the right Christmas gift for mom is going to be a bit of a hassle this year. It isnt that my mom is hard to shop for. As a matter of fact, there are literally dozens of different gifts for mother that I know she would enjoy. The big problem is that most of them are small gifts, nice for cheering her up, but not really fit for an important occasion like Christmas. For example, flowers for mom are one of the most popular Valentines Day presents in my family. Another thing that always cheers her up is candy. There are, however, no big presents that she wants.

When most people think about Christmas gifts for moms, they might picture a necklace or a pair of earrings. My mother has no use for that sort of thing. As a matter of fact, I have not bought that kind of Christmas gift for mom in years. I have no problem with getting her flowers, but I want to buy her something more lasting.

I thought about getting my mother a plant as a Christmas present, but I dont think it will be a good idea. She does not have a very good track record with keeping plants alive. She loves them, but she does not really remember to water them every day. If I am going to get a Christmas gift for mom that will be dead in a few weeks, I might as well just get her flowers!

One idea that I have been contemplating is getting a nice personalized notebook or stationary set as a Christmas gift for mom. As the years go by, my mom has become much more interested in writing. She keeps a journal and sends out hand written letters to all of her friends. Having nice paper to write on will probably make it an even more enjoyable hobby for her.

In the end, I will probably end up getting a couple of different Christmas gifts for mom. If I get her a few small things, it will make up for the fact that I can not find one big present to give her. Getting some nice stationary as a Christmas gift for mom, and then giving her some pretty flowers on top of it seems like the perfect way to make her really happy this holiday season. I am sure that she will be pleased.