Our house is not your typical suburban family dwelling.

Our house is not your typical suburban family dwelling. You see, we are all very crafty people. The problem is, we have a limited amount of space. It would be great to have a whole room for a studio, but the reality is that we can't afford to do that. We have built a work shed in the backyard, but we use that mostly for heavy-duty work. For lighter crafts, we needed something that was multipurpose. That is why we got a kitchen work table.

We have been in need of a kitchen table and chairs for a long time, you see. The kitchen table that we have is a cast off. It was a hand me down from my grandma. We looked at all kinds of elegant kitchen tables, but eventually we decided that we should get something heavy duty. We needed a solid surface to do work on, so we thought it would be great to have the kitchen table serve double duty.

Having a kitchen work table is great. It means that, between meals, the kitchen can serve as a workshop. Then we can clear off all the mess and eat at the table. When we are working on serious projects, we can even leave the kitchen work table cluttered and eat on the coffee table in the living room. It really is an elegant solution to all of our problems.

A lot of the kitchen work tables that we looked at were ugly and functional. They had adjustable heights, which made them good for crafts, but they were plain and boring. That is why we decided to get a wrought iron table to use as our kitchen worktable. The table was old and heavy. It was thick and tarnished. In other words, it was beautiful. Everything that made it a great kitchen work table also made it a great antique. The only problem with it is that the iron can stain certain kinds of crafts. If, however, we keep it covered up, the problem is solved.

Another great thing about a kitchen work table is that it solves the problem of limited counter space. We have some counter space in our kitchen and it is enough for most meals, but I am a pretty serious cook. When I'm entertaining guests, I need that kitchen work table to help me to prepare food. I can be preparing one dish on the counter, another dish on the kitchen work table, and have a third thing cooking on the stove!