One of the greatest things about computers is that they

One of the greatest things about computers is that they allow us to do a number of things that were previously impossible without professional equipment. This is especially true in the realm of desktop publishing. Whether you decide to create a web page, record your own songs, or send out your own mass mailings via e-mail, you are taking advantage of technology that really empowers you in a way that was impossible a decade ago. Compared to these tasks, it is relatively easy to create your own birthday invitations.

As a matter of fact, I used to create birthday invitations before we even had a computer. Of course, my quality standards were somewhat lower back then. I was about eight years old, and I loved making anything with paper, glue, and crayons. It was more of a joy than a chore for me to create birthday invitations at the time. Since I was only inviting a handful of friends, I would create each birthday invitation by hand. Of course, they may not have stood up to adult standards, but they were great for something made by a kid.

Nowadays, I create birthday invitations on the computer. Using Photoshop, I can create my own original invitations. I have always enjoyed crafting things, and with my high-quality printer, it is easy to print my own invites for all of my parties and events. Of course, you can also create birthday invitations using a more professional service. I have a friend who likes to Create printable birthday invitations using an online service. It gives her some standard templates, helps her use photo collages, text, and whatever else she wants, and sends her high quality printed cards in the mail. If you have a really high standard, you can even get printed birthday invitations on archival quality paper! This is more than I need, but for some people, only the best will do.

Believe it or not, you can even create your own wedding invitations nowadays. You used to have to go into a shop with a very limited selection and choose from a set number of patterns, but now you can create your own invitations with almost any fonts, pattern, picture, and color you want. Best of all, they are cheaper than they used to be, because high-quality printers have gone way down in cost. So even if you aren't used to do-it-yourself crafts, you still can have more control than ever before over the cards you send.