In this day and age, people have more quality consumer

In this day and age, people have more quality consumer goods than ever before. Home luxury in the modern world is on a level never before seen anywhere. Even the kings and queens of a century ago did not have it as good as your average middle class person does nowadays at least in terms of nifty personal possessions. Yet, in this race for more and better, we have forgotten the other side of luxury. Country clubs, exclusive groups, and other places for the wealthy and intelligent to gather and mingle have really declined in recent years. I think that this is a real shame. After all, what is the point of having all this luxury if you do not even have decent company to enjoy it with?

When we were first invited to join the Orinda country club, me and my wife were more than a bit skeptical. You see, we were not brought up with country clubs, and had the negative associations with them that a lot of people share in this country. Country clubs are often thought of as places that are uptight, snobby, and not with the times, but nothing could be further from the truth. When we first got there, we were treated to a country club golf art gallery that had hints of both the traditional and the modern. There were also many tasteful artworks on a variety of different themes which had been purchased by the exclusive club over the years. But the decor, though tasteful, was not the highlight of the place. There was much more to see!

There was an excellent 18 hole golf course, on par with any place I had ever played before. I thoroughly enjoyed the game and the company. The friends who had invited us there were charming people, and they introduced us to a few of their friends. I have never made friends with people so quickly! Apparently, country club people are my kind of people! And the food they served there was out of this world. Although it was a pretty casual lunch sandwiches, fruit, and that sort of thing it was really tasty! The cooks that the country club employed could make even simple food taste better! Ever since then, we have been coming back almost every week, and we have never had a bad time there. Sometimes, it is nice to be proven wrong.