My daughter loves the Harry Potter series. Most kids her

My daughter loves the Harry Potter series. Most kids her age do. The problem is that I am not always around to read it to her. She is old enough to read by herself, but she likes it when I read Harry Potter as a bedtime story. I don't know why, but there is something about fantasy stories that makes them the best bedtime stories. So when the new Harry Potter book came out, she was extremely disappointed that I was going to be out of town for that week. That is why decided to buy a Harry Potter Audio book for her.

It is amazing how easy it is to buy an audio book nowadays. Back when I was a kid, they were called books on tape, and they were notoriously difficult to track down. There was only one audio book store in the whole town, and it was hit or miss as to whether or not you'd be able to find the titles you were looking for. A lot of the time, all but the most popular titles would be left out of the selection. You could not find audio books for the classics most times, and sometimes even the newest thriller would be gone for weeks before you could finally find it in stock.

The Internet, of course, has changed all this. Finding online audio books is easier than ever before. A lot of the time, you can find them for free. There are amazing number of people who are willing to put their work out there just to get heard by people. You can download audio books for many different sites, and even when they do cost money, it is not a lot.

You see, it cost very little money to make an audio book.All you have to do is record it, put it on the computer, set up a website, and that is it. There is no printing costs, so some of the savings are passed on to the consumer. I'm not saying they are cheap, because sometimes audiobook downloads are pretty expensive. Even so, it is usually cheaper than getting a hardcover edition of the book. One of the best things about it, however, is the fact that it lets you have someone read it to you as you are going to sleep. If you ask me, there is nothing better than a bedtime story. I am sure my daughter agrees.