My daughter and her husband have finally settled into a

My daughter and her husband have finally settled into a home that I hope they will live in for a long time. They have been married for four years and have moved five times. The packing and unpacking as well as changing their legal identification has been a hassle. When they first were married they moved into the apartment that my daughter had been subletting. They were suppose to be able to live there for two years, however the person that they were subletting from lost their job overseas and wanted to move back into the apartment. The couple packed all of there things and moved into a small house that had been for sale for three years. The owners of the house were renting it out until they could find a buyer. Six weeks after they had moved in the house sold and they needed to relocate again. Again they found an apartment to rent and moved in. They liked the location in relation to where they each worked. They thought that they would live in this location for a time while they saved money to buy a house and start a family. Unexpectedly my son-in-law was given a promotion. It was a great opportunity and a nice raise in pay; unfortunately they had to move to another city. Once again they were packing and looking for a place to live. They found an apartment and moved in. Shortly after they were settled my daughter found out she was pregnant. They did not want to raise a child in an apartment, so they found a home to purchase and moved once again.

All the moves happened before they were able to accumulate extra household items like you do when you stay in a place for a while, however the change of address was starting to catch up with them. They had filled out so many change of address forms from the post office that their mail was not always getting to them. They ended up having some outstanding bills for utilities as well as cable because by time the mail was forwarded once they had relocated again. They had filled out the change of address forms promptly each time, however some companies request the post office to return bills with a change of address notice. By time the bill got back to the company and was reprocessed and sent to the new address they had moved again. This was repeated and one company assumed my daughter and son-in-law were giving false addresses to avoid bills. They sent the bills to collections before the couple ever received them. They found out about these outstanding bills when a credit check was done when they were being approved for their home loan. They had to pay off the bills and penalties as well as write letters to the credit companies to clear their names. Hopefully now that they have their own home they will stay put for a period of time so their mail can catch up to them.