Have you ever met someone that moves a great deal?

Have you ever met someone that moves a great deal? My son definitely falls into this category. He has always been this way. He even liked to move from one bed room to another within our house when he was growing up. He would tell me that he liked to see the different scenery out the windows. He enjoys meeting new people and seeing different parts of the country. He has long term stable friendships; yet is likes to meet new people as well. He is a consultant with a major marketing firm. The consultation job means that he does a great deal of traveling which is perfect for him.

In the position that he is in he needs to stay in one place for six months to a year and then travels to another company in a different location. He likes to rent different apartments in the cities that he works in rather than renting hotel suites. By living in apartments he gets to know more people outside those that are working for the company is a consultant for. All this moving does create a problem regarding his mail. He can have many things sent to his home office address however there are bills and personal mail that he likes to receive when he is staying in the various apartments. He uses a change of address service to help him keep track of his mail. When he first started his job he would notify the post offices of his various moves, however it was difficult for his mail to keep up with him. This caused some missed bills as well as missed personal correspondence. He was concerned his credit rating would become affected so he hired a change of address service to help him with his mailing. This has been very helpful for him and for those of us that want to send him things. He maintains the same email address and the same cell phone number; however there are times when regular mail needs to be sent.

The change of address service is who he contacts when he is going to relocate. He lets them know where he had lived and where he is moving to. The service then tracks all of his incoming mail to make sure that it gets forwarded to where it needs to be. Since he has been using the service he is no longer missing billing dates or personal correspondence. This works much better than trying to have someone from his home office forward the mail to him. I hope some day that he will settle down in one place, but for now he seems very content with his roaming lifestyle.