Home based businesses are the new trend in career choices.

Home based businesses are the new trend in career choices. It seems that no matter where you turn you are hearing about ways to make money working part time out of your own home. There are many merits to having a home based business. There is the decrease cost in child care, tax breaks and reduced commuter costs, but thorough research needs to be included in starting a business. The general rule of thumb is that if the deal seems to good to be true it probably isnt.

My son and his wife have decided to try one of the home based businesses that they have heard so much about. They read everything they could find about the company and have met people in our area that are doing the business. They are excited about letting people know that they have taken this step. They came over to our house to see if we had any company name suggestions for them. They wanted something that would be catchy, easy to remember and would include their surname. They had emailed many of their friends and had requested them to send company name suggestions. So far most of the responses had been jokes rather than anything that could be used.

We talked about what business they would be getting into. They will be dealers for a product that sells environmental and health care products. They can use the companys logo on their cards and letterhead. We wrote down the companies name and a list of some of the major products as well as the surname. My husband and I along with our son and his wife sat for hours trying out company name suggestions, but nothing seemed to strike us as the perfect solution. We decided that we had been looking at the problem too long and we needed to take a break. We went out for dinner and talked about other details of what has been going on in our lives. When we returned from dinner our daughter who is in college was home doing her laundry. She had seen the names that we were working on spread out on the dining room table. She had written down a couple of suggestions that combined the things that we had already considered. One of her company name suggestions and motto was very catchy and incorporated the initials and surname of my son and his wife. They were very excited and appreciative to our daughter. She said that she had really enjoyed playing around with the ideas. She has been deciding on what she wants to major in and advertising is one of her choices. We all agreed that she has talent in the area and should pursue this. Once again the siblings helped each other out with out even trying.