Have you ever thought about how people adjust very quickly

Have you ever thought about how people adjust very quickly to a new routine? I switched jobs several months ago. I had been commuting to work over an hour each way to get to my office. I would get up at five in the morning be on the road by six to be in the office by seven. I would then get off work by four get back and the road and get home by five. I worked earlier hours to avoid the heaviest traffic. With my new job I am located ten miles from home. I have been so used to getting up early that I get laundry taken care of as well as a chance or a walk each morning and I still get to work by seven. I get to leave at three and be home by three fifteen. I feel like I am working part time because I have such long evenings now.

At my old job we were allowed access to the internet for research purposes. It was a big agency so there were many people that were accessing the internet at the same time. It was often a very slow process to get on. My new office is only two people and we have high speed internet service. I cannot believe how quickly I get answers to searches. I was used to signing on to the internet and then making a few calls and getting a cup of coffee or going to the restroom while I was waiting to gain access or to get the information that I needed. With high speed internet I have what I need within seconds of pushing the enter button. This is so time efficient, especially if I have a client sitting at my desk waiting for information. I told my husband that you actually make up for the cost of high speed internet service by not having employees sitting around waiting.

My husband and I decided that we were going to get a home computer. We have resisted this for many years because we both spend time on computers at work; however we were feeling out of the loop with family emails and other conveniences that come along with owning a computer. We knew that we did not want to tie up a phone line so we went with the same high speed internet service that I have at work. My husband was impressed with how fast we get connected to information. The other day my neighbor was over and we were talking about getting tickets for a concert. I said that I would pull up the website to check on prices and availability. She could not believe how quickly I had the information. They still have dial up internet and they wait for long periods of time to get things to open, plus they tie up their phone line. She went home and ordered the high speed internet service.