
My house has two doors that we use as entrances. One of them is in the front and most people tend to use that one. The other door, which we commonly use, is more of the main entrance and foyer. Both entrances have a doorbell. And, for some odd reason, my husband thought that they each should have a doorbell that chimes in the form of a song. Not a familiar tune, mind you something annoying and loud. He has also programmed our phone to ring in the form of a tune as well, which he thinks is the greatest thing in the world. Personally, it annoys me to tears. The problem with the doorbells though, is that we cant ever remember which annoying song goes with which door. So, someone rings our doorbell and we are scrambling to find which door they are at. Usually, we choose the wrong door first.

We have some people who are regular visitors that absolutely love to ring our doorbell more than once. Perhaps they do it for my husbands entertainment, or maybe they like to annoy me. I try to pretend it isnt bothersome but the truth is I want to scream. Why in the world cant we have a normal doorbell like everyone else? A simple ding dong would suit me just fine. Having a doorbell that goes on for almost a minute is just overboard. Whoever invented doorbells that chime is definitely not on my Christmas card list this year.

I personally am thinking about going to our local hardware store and purchasing a new, standard, normal doorbell and having it installed before he comes home from work someday. Im not sure how long it would take him to notice but it would certainly make me much happier. Of course, we dont have people ringing our doorbell more than a few times each week, so I suppose that I can tolerate it just because it makes him happy.

There are so many types and brands of doorbells in the stores nowadays. Choosing one should be incredibly simple but for some reason, it isnt. Reading about a particular doorbell isnt that enjoyable and Im not sure why there need to be so many different types and prices. A doorbell should just be connected, be simple and say ding dong. Men, think about how much happier your wives would be without the fancy chiming that you think is just the greatest invention of all times.