Baby toys

Nowadays, everyone wants their children to be the smartest in the neighborhood. They spend all kinds of money on high tech gadgets made by companies that claim they can make your child incredibly intelligent. Sure, that sounds like a great idea. On the other hand, you have parents complaining because their kids are growing up too fast. The world is confusing do we want our kids to enjoy their childhoods or be more intelligent at an earlier age?

Even baby toys are being geared towards mind stimulation. There are baby toys that have bright colors for mind stimulation. There are baby toys that speak different languages. Shouldnt our kids learn their own primary language before having toys that speak multiple languages? Whatever happened to baby toys that allow babies to be babies? Some of the best toys for our babies are the ones that rattle and roll allowing them to giggle and learn about how to make sounds and things move.

When my daughter was little, I was more focused on making sure that my daughter enjoyed being a child. Her baby toys were cute, cuddly, colorful and noisy. I wasnt showing her flashcards at the age of six months old and teaching her how to add and subtract. I was rolling around on the floor with her, teaching her about animals and colors. Her baby toys allowed her to be a baby.

One of the best things that I ever purchased for her wasnt a baby toy, but a video. She loved the Baby Einstein videos. The music and colors kept her captivated for the entire length of the video. While I cannot say for certain that her brain was being stimulated and she was learning things, I can say that it certainly wasnt harmful to her.

You really cant go wrong with purchasing baby toys. Perhaps the toys require your infant to be lying on their stomach for some tummy time and strengthening their muscles, which is something that all babies need. Or, perhaps youre more focused on having your child learn colors and sounds. No matter what toy your infant or toddler is using on a daily basis, their minds are being stimulated. In my opinion, we dont need to be focusing on creating baby geniuses. We need to be focusing on raising healthy, happy and intelligent children. There isnt a need to be pushing for anything more than that.