Ahh, there's just something incomparable about Mother Nature. Any avid

Ahh, there's just something incomparable about Mother Nature. Any avid camper can tell you the very same thing. Once you step into those woods, far away from the smog and chaos of the urban jungle, all is instantly right with the world. Take a deep breath! This is the cleanest air you'll probably experience until you do it again. Let it caress your over-worked lungs and fill them with exhaust-free oxygen. That's right; it's healthier out in the boonies. So, have I snatched everyone's attention yet? I'll bet right about now you're sorting through useful online camping sites to find that ideal spot to pitch a tent.

Things have changed since I was a kid. I recall camping out where ever I pleased with my dad and brothers. We would basically load up the truck with tents, sleeping bags and basic camping supplies and take to the wilderness. Okay, so maybe we were on our own property, but I suspect most people don't have the luxury of a 20 acre woods. Maybe unless you're Pooh Bear or Tigger. They actually have 100 acres. Anyway, my point is that you can't simply drop your gear and build a fire where ever you please. You have to find camping sites that allow you to stay there. And this is for a couple different reasons. Number one, you wouldn't want to end up trespassing on someone's property, and two; just pitching a tent where ever you choose is dangerous. You never know who or what might lurk in that area. It's best to stay on your own property or resort to routine camping sites found in your neck of the woods.

Clearly before you can take on the bush, you need to pack a few crucial camping supplies. Aside from your tent and sleeping bag, you'll want to remember a lighter/pack of matches, plenty of food and water, the right attire for the season, flashlights, a knife, and some dishes for cooking over the fire pit. If you've got all these things, I'd say you set and ready to grapple with the great outdoors. Now it's time to get jacked into cyberspace and seek out the best camping sites around. Find one that's not too crowded, if possible. Much depends on the time of year.