You probably already know that reading to your children is

You probably already know that reading to your children is one of the best things that you can do, but there are times when this is not possible. Some parents dont have the greatest eyesight, and this means they cant spend a lot of time reading. Other parents want to spend more time doing so, but working second or even third shift might get in the way of being able to sit down and read with their child. This is when things like childrens audio books are a great idea.

You can find childrens audio books for children that cannot read on their own because they are too young, or perhaps because they have a disability that makes it hard for them to do so. Though you will not be able to find all books in audio form, these can be a great way for these children to enjoy the same stores that you probably loved as you were growing up. These are also great when you have a long car trip coming up, and you want something for the car to keep the kids occupied so you can concentrate on driving and not getting lost.

When looking for childrens audio books, keep your children in mind. Some voices are better than others, though the voices chosen are usually soothing and non threatening. However, some children have an aversion to some types of voices when they are very young. If you can, find ones that have the same tone as yours so that they are comfortable when they listen to the childrens audio books that you have chosen for them. When you look online, see if you can find some for sale that allow you to hear a sample before you buy.

If you want to do something special for your kids, you may want to make your own childrens audio books for the times when you may not be able to be home to tuck them in. If you work second shift, you know you miss many bedtimes. If you have to travel for work quite often, these can be a great way for your child to hear your voice each night before they go to sleep. You can record your own voice reading your favorite books. Though these childrens audio books may not be as smooth or slick as the commercial type, they are infinitely more valuable to your kids.