I hate to brag, but I was using digital cameras

I hate to brag, but I was using digital cameras long before they were cool. Back in the day, resolution was low unless you were willing to spend a lot of money. Once you took your photos, things were even more bleak. Printing digital photos was expensive, and getting high quality printers was out of the question for most consumers. The only real way to share digital photos was by uploading online. Because most people were using dial-up, you had to load all of your photos onto a site where other people would have to download them at a painfully slow speed if they wanted to view them.

Nowadays, even cheap digital cameras are much more powerful than what I was using when I was first getting started. Digital photo sharing has also gotten a lot more powerful. It still amazes me to be able to open up a website and see high a quality digital photo suddenly appear on the page with no effort on my part. I don't have to spend 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or longer downloading it anymore. It is simply there for me to see. Digital photos sharing sites have gotten pretty sophisticated in their interface as well. There are so many different ways to organize your digital images online that designing a webpage has become half of the art itself!

Recently, I have made use of many different digital photo sharing sites. Perhaps the easiest one to use is MySpace. A lot of people don't really think of it as a digital photo sharing site, as this is not its primary purpose. Nonetheless, it works quite well for this anyway. You can put dozens of pictures on your MySpace page, and your friends can see thumbnails of them and download any that they wish to.

Of course, if you have a lot of images to share, you should probably find a more dedicated digital photo sharing site. All of these sites will allow you to show dozens, or even hundreds of images, but some of them have other nifty features as well. For example, some of them allow you to connect your pictures to a map of the world, text bubbles, or various websites as you see fit. Other ones allow you to give out a free trial image, but make a more high quality image available for purchase. Of course, other Digital photo sharing sites stand out for being extremely easy to use. If your parents are like mine, those are the best sites to put family photos on.