George Foreman Grill

My mom was all excited when the George Foreman grill first came out. She may have run right out to the store to get one for all I know. I dont know exactly when she got it, but I remember she showed it to me when I came to visit after not being able to be home for a while. She wanted to make dinner for me that night using the new grill, and I could have sworn by her exuberance that she was a saleswoman for it. I dont think I had seen her that excited by a kitchen appliance since she got a microwave for the first time all those years ago.

She cooked me a steak on her George Foreman grill that night. She knew that was the test for me since I loved steak, but it had to be made just right. Though it was not as good as what you would get on an outdoor grill, I had to admit it was pretty good. Once the George Foreman grill heated up, it did not take long for it to cook the steak the way I like it, and the hamburgers she had made that night cooked very fast as well. The grease poured down and the grill was easy to clean. I had to admit that I was indeed impressed.

I got a George Foreman grill of my own that year, and I had it for a long time. I dont have it any longer because it was dropped and the lid broke. I have yet to replace it, though I did get an imitation from my dad for Christmas one year. It worked well enough, but it didnt last very long. Something broke inside from normal use, and I decided if I was going to get another one, I would get the original George Foreman grill because I knew it was of quality workmanship and it would take more than normal use to bust it up.

You can find many variations of the George Foreman grill, but if you want it to last, make sure its an original. You can get different kinds, but they all work on the same basic principle. Some have bun warmers on them, and you can get large ones or small ones. That is up to you. If it is just you in your home, you may only need the very small George Foreman grill to cook meals for yourself. If you have a family, you should go for the larger one so you can cook everything at once. You may find that you dont know what you will do without it.