bedside table

I didnt give it much thought for the longest time, but you do have to think about your choice when you buy a bedside table. These, at least in my home, are a great place for an alarm clock, and they also hold the little things you need each day but dont really have a place for. That might be extra change, earrings, or your watch. I cleaned homes for a living a long time ago while going through college, and to see a home without these tables was a rare sight indeed. Most people like to have them.

Those with large beds often dont have to think about anything by style when they buy a bedside table, but those with small and shorter beds have to think about a few things. I once had a glass bedside table, and I almost cut my head open on it one night. I am not sound sleeper, and I roll around a lot. I woke up after banging my head on it, and realized had I moved just an inch lower, the corner could have cut my head. I got rid of it that day and went shopping for a new set for my home.

If you have a bed that is not far from the floor, you have to get a bedside table that is completely level with the side of your bed, or one that is significantly taller so that you dont cut your head like I almost did. You should also look for something that has rounded corners in the event that you do bump your head or even your arm or leg on the bedside table. That would be a nasty shock in the middle of the night for sure.

For the most part, you can find a wide variety if bedside tables anywhere you can buy furniture. If you are buying a bedroom suite, but you arent sure about the tables that come with it, ask for a substitution. Most places will do this for you if something that matches can be found. You can also look online to find styles of bedside table that you may not find near your home. These are probably ones you have to put together, but that is a small price to pay for getting the right kind so you can sleep peacefully at night. Its certainly not something that most think about until there is a problem. However, prevention is always a great idea.