book clubs
It might seem that book clubs are almost a thing of the past, but they are certainly still out there. They have just changed quite a bit. People are still reading, thankfully, and they are still buying books. Though the traditional type of club that meets at someones home or perhaps a church are not as common as they use to be, they are still out there in almost any community. However, there are now more of them that are online. These are great because you dont have to leave home if you dont want to, and anyone from anywhere in the world can be a member.
Online book clubs are often started as such, but any online discussion group can turn into a book club. This quite often happens by accident, but once discussions about good books start, they usually go on for quite a while. Those sites that were made just to be book clubs might be very structured, and they may have a new book each week or each month, and there may be many book discussions going on at once about different types of books.
There are other types of book clubs that do not involve talking about books, but rather, they are all about getting you to buy books. My mother was a member of quite few of these though the mail for quite a long time, and I believe they are still out there. There are book clubs for adults, and there are some that specialize in books for children. I was a member for a while before the number of books they were sending was just too much for us. However, we got a good collection of some great books for my daughter through that club.
These book clubs are still going strong, and some can be found online. You may be able to choose your service and what books you want to get this way. These same sites might have discussion boards for those who buy from them, and these will be full of book lovers. If you are itching for some good conversation and you love to talk about books, this might be the place to find like minded people with whom you can have a great discussion about any book you love. They should have them for both adults and children. Signing up for the discussion board should be easy and free in most cases.