A 47-year-old man facing 145 charges of sexual violence against children in three Australian states.

The charges included five counts of rape, four indecent acts against children and eight cases of sexual assault against children, such as police delivered.
Men, who comes from Queensland, the alleged acts of sexual assault between 2002 and 2015.
Police said a statement released has identified 28 children suspected of being a victim.
The victims were identified originating from the state of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Police said the death toll was likely to rise in the southern part of Australia.
Police said the man who can not be identified for legal reasons.
Police claimed he was targeting children through social media sites, using the name "Jazz", "Jazzman" and "David Bourne".
"In some cases the victims allegedly met with the man and then taken to the hotel where the attack occurred," a statement from the Queensland Police.
The man was arrested in the operation of a joint investigation between the Child Protection Investigation Unit and Warwick and detectives from Task Force Argos, Queensland Police special team to deal with cases of exploitation of children online.
Earlier, Task Force Argos have foiled at least one sexual predators targeting children every week.
This case sticking when AFP Australian Federal Police in Canberra in cooperation with the Dutch police to investigate a hard drive that contains "more than thousands" of photos sexual assault on a child, who allegedly carried out by an Australian man who was arrested in the Philippines last month.
AFP told the BBC that 256 Australians in the list of sexual predators traveling to the Philippines in the last four years.
Police have cooperated in the case of Warwick since April last year, and seeks to identify all the victims, as stated by Senior Detective Police Russell Joyce.

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