If there is ever a time for excess, it is

If there is ever a time for excess, it is college spring break. If I showed you my college spring break pictures, you would not believe your eyes. We spent so much time partying there that we all did things that we probably would rather not think about. Nonetheless, spring break college was a good time, and next year we will do it even better.

There are many different destinations for college spring break, and all of them have their advantages. Some people like to take college spring breaks in local hotspots. They will go down to the nearest big city, rent a hotel room with a few friends, and live it up for the duration. In my opinion, although it is nice to be able to check out the local scene at your leisure, it is even better to go somewhere far away and get away from the stresses of studying. International college spring break trips are the real classic way of doing it. I think next year we are going to go to college spring break in Cancun. Cancun is one of the biggest spring break college destinations in the whole entire world. Men and women from all over the country, and even Canada, go down there to live it up.

Of course, there are many other college spring break locations. I have a friend who wanted to get away for spring break for college, but was not a party sort of guy. He had been involved in a steady relationship for about two years, and is already pretty settled. He likes to have a drink or two now and then and to go dancing, but he really didn't feel the need to indulge in the college spring breaks scene.

That is why he took his college spring break in Europe. He actually was able to arrange to get a few extra weeks off so that he could travel for a solid month and a half! He finished all of his coursework early, packed up his bags, and with his girlfriend, went off to walk across Ireland. He said it was one of the best college spring breaks you had ever had if not the best. A few years before, of course, he had partied with us and had a good time, but I think this was more his speed. Instead of letting himself fall into the college spring break trap of doing what everyone else was doing, he decided to do it his own way.