Wow the ladies: Five great dating tips for men

Young men and newly single men are often at a loss when it comes to the opposite sex. Women are so confusing! When you make a move on a girl that you think is romantic and gallant, you may walk away disappointed, soundly rebuffed and without a clue as to what you did wrong. It's true, men are from Mars and women from Venus. While you may think you presented a Prince Valiant image, the girl of your dreams doesn't seem to agree. Why, you ask? Here are five great dating tips for men that are sure to improve your chances.

You must first understand that women have heard all the standard lines. Give your woman some credit. The "Haven't I met you before?" approach is vacuous, at best. If she's worth your time, you must be a little more imaginative and personal. If you're hoping to gain her attention, approach her with something a bit more personal, yet not intrusive.

For example, you spot a stunning girl at the stadium. Leave your friends behind. They won't be of any help. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help noticing your T-shirt. I'm an avid fan of the Lakers and have a couple of tickets to Friday's game. Would you be interested?" She'll be flattered that you noticed her and will be at least willing to continue the conversation.

Second on our list of dating tips for men seeking a real relationship: personal hygiene is important to women. Women like their homes and their men clean. If you think a shower and shave once a week is OK, think again. Women make an assesment of the book cover, so to speak, before making a final assesment of your date-worthiness. If you think that the macho man image includes stinkiness, you're wrong. Wash up and use a little cologne as necessary to present a loveable persona.

Now, our list of dating tips for men gets down to the nitty-gritty. Treat your woman with respect. Many men treat women as airheads, incapable of seeing through their manipulations. Don't make this mistake, not if you hope to have a steady date! Find out what she's interested in and cultivate an interest that shows you care.

The fourth rule of our dating tips for men requires that you be sincere. Women can see through insincerity in a heartbeat. If you're honestly interested in this woman, show her. Lip service won't do. If she loves theatre, take her to the off-Broadway production. If you enjoy yourself as well, you've got a match.

So far, our dating tips for men has focused on enticing your date. The fifth and absolute rule is honesty. Women fall for honesty.

The essence of dating tips for men is this: be yourself. If your hygiene is poor, improve it. Don't rely on slick lines. Express your interest genuinely. Do these things and you've got a date.