Tea has long been the warm beverage of choice of

Tea has long been the warm beverage of choice of many people, men and women alike. It has a more delicate flavor than coffee, and typically a cup of tea has less caffeine than a cup of coffee. If you find yourself entertaining after dinner guests with a cup of fragrant tea, a lovely tea pot is a must. It not only keeps the tea warm while it steeps, but it adds to the ambiance of the occasion as well. An antique copper tea pot is ideal for this.

If your mother or grandmother was a tea drinker, chances are she probably owned one of these treasures. They were popular many years ago and could often be seen as a focal point in kitchens. A copper teapot served its purpose well and because of the construction, most lasted for many years. In fact, you can often find a copper tea pot among the antiques in small shops everywhere.

Naturally many manufacturers have recognized the appeal that these have and are still producing them today. This is a great choice for someone looking for a copper tea pot but ultimately it will lack the charm and history of an antique model. You can certainly purchase one and use it whenever you have tea, and then pass it down. In time it will become a treasured heirloom in your own family.

Finding antiques has really never been easier than it is today. If you are fortunate enough to have a shop in your local area that sells antiques youve probably already been there numerous times. They may not have a copper tea pot, but you are likely to find something else that you feel you must have. Items with a rich history are wonderful to own.

Online sites that hold auctions are often the place to look for antique household items. They are listed by category, so a quick search will yield results in the area of tea pots. If you happen to find a copper teapot, consider the age and condition of it before you place a bid. Many sellers also include recent images of the items they are selling, so you can see it before you buy it, which helps you determine if its worth the price.

Caring for these isnt complicated at all. With regular cleaning and polishing, your tea pot should last for many more years to come. Just hand wash in a gentle soap solution and polish with a safe treatment from time to time. A copper tea pot is one item you dont want to put in the dishwasher as it will likely damage the surface. Take care of it and youll be able to share it with your future generations.