Knowing The Causes Of Smoking

Many people believe that the causes of smoking are well known, but in fact they vary greatly from smoker to smoker. Most people believe that the only reason that smokers continue with their habit is because of the physical addiction, but this is not the case. Many smokers, as a matter of fact, are not seriously physically addicted. Nicotine can be a powerful addiction, but it doesn't affect everyone the same. Some smokers continue smoking not because of a physical addiction, but more because of the psychological one. They are dependent on cigarettes to relax, and have a hard time giving up this habit.

If you want to stop smoking, you have to understand what reasons you started for. In my case, the causes of smoking were pretty typical of an American teenager: I wanted to be cool. My friends and I would go out, shoot pool, and have a few cigarettes together. It was relaxing, and it made us feel like we were rebelling. It was a great social bonding experience, and I came to associate cigarettes with good times. This is why it was so hard for me to give up smoking: I had so many positive associations with it.

When I finally decided to quit smoking, I learned about habit, one of the worst causes of smoking. Physically I was fine. I felt a little bit anxious, but I didn't have the intense nicotine cravings that some smokers describe. What made it difficult, however, was the force of habit. There are so many times during the day when I used to light up. I would have a smoke first thing in the morning before work, at lunch time, in the evening over a cup of wine you get the idea. It was habit more than anything else that was the cause of smoking in my case. I didn't have to break a physical addiction, but I did have to break something almost as difficult the force of habit..

Whatever the causes of smoking in your life, there are a lot of tools that help. Nicotine gum is a great aid for some smokers, because it allows them to take the edge off of the nicotine craving that many people feel. Stop smoking support groups are also really useful, although they aren't for everyone. As with anything else, the more information you have the better. If you want to stop smoking, there are more tools than ever to help you.