contact lens case

If you wear contacts, you need to learn to take care of them properly. Though they seem very simple, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. One big mistake some make is not taking proper care of their contact lens case. When not cleaned properly, the lenses can carry bacteria into the eyes that will lead to a nasty eye infection. There are some very simple things you can do to make sure your case is clean and that your eyes remain healthy.

You should probably get a new contact lens case at least once a month. They are very inexpensive, and they are very easy to find. Some solutions come with a new case in the box so that you have one when you need one. Beyond that, you should clean your contact lens case at least once a week if not more. You can use a soft toothbrush to scrub, taking care to get around the outside where the lid screws to the case. Dont forget to scrub the lids as well. You should use extremely hot water when doing this, and as for a soap, you should ask your eye doctor for recommendations. Most soaps leave residue, and that might be a problem with your case and your lenses.

One thing most dont think about is where they set their contact lens case either overnight or during the day while they are wearing their lenses. The case should be kept as far away from the toilet as possible. The same can be said for your toothbrushes. Even when you flush with the lid down there can be bacteria thrown around the room. Some of this can land on your contact lens case. Its not something that anyone wants to think about, but it can happen. Keep the case away from that area, and in a cabinet or drawer if possible.

When traveling anywhere, take an extra contact lens case with you. You never know what can happen. Though you may be able to get another where you are, in a pinch, its nice to know that you have something to back you up. Some will put contacts in hotel water glasses over night if they forget, and though that does work, it is not as safe as using a contact lens case. If you cant get anywhere, call the front desk first. They may be able to help you out, though it really depends on where you stay.