A lot of things are important about college. For many

A lot of things are important about college. For many people, it is the time in life when they really come into their own. You learn your future career, you make friendships that my last the rest of your life, you might meet the girl or boy of your dreams and fall in love. There are, however, other aspects to college initiation. Not all of the rights of passage that you go through are exactly socially sanctioned. Nevertheless, the more rebellious and fun-loving activities might just be the best ones! Of these, taking a Cancun Spring break ranks near the top.

At the school I went to, Cancun Spring breaks were notorious. Every few years, as a matter of fact, someone would get dangerously drunk or get into some other kind of trouble, and one of the community members would lead a campaign to discourage students from going to Cancun. Needless to say, it never worked. Every year, half the class ended up going on a Cancun Spring break trip.

If you have never been on a Cancun Mexico spring break, you have no way to know just how popular it is. It is pretty incredible as a matter of fact. Cancun Spring breaks must give countless millions of dollars to that country, and God bless them they need it. They provide a great playground for wealthy American kids, and we provide them the money to live at a good standard. Seems like a pretty good deal to me!

Basically, the main attraction to a Cancun Spring break is drinking. Not only is the drinking age low to non-existent, but there is something about getting away from home and going to a tropical paradise to give students a license to party more. I can't explain it, but somehow you feel free a party there in a way that you never feel free to party at home. The Cancun Spring break is not all about the drinking, however. Some people do nothing but drink all the time, but I think they're missing out on something. There are many other wonderful attractions in the area. The ocean is gorgeous, and there are boat trips, scuba diving excursions, and other fun things to do. Besides that, there are some great night clubs that stay open from dusk till dawn. You can party all day and all night and, the next day, do it all over again. Now that is what memories are made of!

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